Renewable electricity and solar power: the best options for tenants
If you rent a house or apartment in the City of Sydney (and many of you do), there are quick and easy options to get clean green electricity.
The fastest option for you is switching to a GreenPower electricity plan. And don’t think that isn’t important: by signing up to GreenPower you’re letting the power industry (and the Australian Federal government) know that more and more Australians want to reduce their reliance on polluting energy sources. And it increases the amount of renewables in the grid – people power at work!
You can make the switch now in as little as 10 minutes. Call your current provider and tell them you’d like to change to their 100% GreenPower plan. Or shop around. Compare GreenPower products at Energy Made Easy. It’s great if you care about cost the most. But if you care about the overall environmental performance, ethics and policies of a company the most, we recommend using the Green Electricity Guide.

In the meantime, these articles might make interesting reading: